The company

Where are Bioceres Crop Solutions corporate headquarters?

Our headquarters and primary operations are based in Argentina, which is our key end-market as well as one of the largest markets globally for Row crops. The address of our corporate headquarters is: Ocampo 210 bis, Predio CCT, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

We have also established subsidiaries in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, the United States, South Africa, Colombia, France, Finland, Russia and Estonia.

Our registered office address is PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands.

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Financial Reporting

Under what Generally Accepted Accounting Principles does Bioceres Crop Solutions report?

Bioceres Crop Solutions prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

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In what currency does Bioceres Crop Solutions reports its financial results?

The consolidated financial results are presented in U.S. dollars (US$).

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When is Bioceres Crop Solutions’ fiscal year-end?

The fiscal year ends on June 30.

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Who are the Company’s Independent Auditors?

Price Waterhouse & Co. S.R.L.

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How do I know when Bioceres Crop Solutions will release its financial results?

Please subscribe to our E-mail Alerts to receive notice of upcoming corporate events. You may also request to receive all press releases and latest financial statements.

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Share Information

Where are Bioceres Crop Solutions’ shares traded, and what is the ticker symbols?

Bioceres Crop Solutions’ common shares trade on The Nasdaq Global Select Market. The ticker symbol is “BIOX.”

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Corporate Governance

Do all shareholders have the same voting rights?

Holders of our common shares are entitled to one vote per common share on all matters.

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How many Directors are on Bioceres Crop Solutions Board, and how long is the term of each Director?

Our board consists of seven directors. Each of our directors will have a term that expires at BIOX’s annual general meeting of shareholders in 2024, or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, or until their earlier resignation, removal or death. There will be no cumulative voting with respect to the election of directors, with the result that directors will be elected by a majority of the votes cast at an annual general meeting of BIOX.

Please click here for a list of our current directors.

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What percentage of your Board of Directors is defined as "independent" or "outside" (not related to management or to controlling shareholders)?

Currently 4 out of our 7 directors are considered independent.

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How can I contact Investor Relations?

You can reach Investor relations via email at or through the “Contact Us” section of our website.

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